‘To be an innovative centre of excellence, providing outstanding, personalised education for all students’
‘Provide an environment where students are offered every opportunity to maximise their potential, grow in confidence and above all be happy.
We have high aspirations for all and work together to achieve success
We have a culture of vigilance and practice being safe at all times
We focus on what we can do and are proud of our achievements and each other
Everyone matter s and we celebrate everyone uniqueness
We have strong positive relationships and embed emotional education into daily life
We strive to make a difference and enable everyone to live their best adult life
Catcote Sixth Form caters for post-16 students with special educational needs. Those students with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and complex learning difficulties and disabilities (CLDD) are educated at Catcote Academy main site. We have an offsite provision situated on Brierton Lane, Hartlepool which caters for our moderate and severe learning difficulties (MLD and SLD). We also have a small cohort of MLD students who are based in our training room above Catcote Metro (a shop in Hartlepool shopping centre). These students are working towards supported internships and employment.
The focus of the sixth form curriculum is around the 4 themes within Preparation for Adulthood (PfA):
Independent Living
Friends, Relationships and Community
Good Health
For further details on curriculum offer please visit our curriculum section in ‘Discover Catcote Academy’