At Catcote Academy and Sixth Form, we aim to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and attributes to achieve their full potential in learning and work. It is important that students are enabled to make informed decisions about post 16 routes and the relevant pathways to support their longer-term plans. We have a planned program in Key Stage 3Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5, and work to the Gatsby Benchmarks and the the DFE Careers guidance and access for education and training providers January 2023.

Catcote Academy  is very proud to have contributed to a new national publication on using the Gatsby Benchmarks with students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).  

Good Career Guidance: Perspectives from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities sector contains 12 expert perspectives on using the Gatsby Benchmarks with students with SEND, and has been developed by the Gatsby Foundation with The Careers & Enterprise Company, and Disability Rights UK.  It is intended to inspire Careers Leaders, teachers and all those working with young people with SEND, across specialist provision and mainstream schools and colleges.

This publication has been designed to sit alongside The Careers & Enterprise Company’s SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit, which provides detailed advice and ideas to help schools meet each Benchmark.

The publication is available online at 

Careers Programme – Red Pathway

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 5

Careers Programme – Yellow and Blue Pathway

Phase 1 and 2

We measure and assess the Careers Programme impact on students via achievement, attainment and destinations.

If you require any further information regarding our careers programme and strategy please contact Jackie McGarry (Careers Lead). (01429 264036)

Careers information is reviewed annually.

More Information

Careers Policy

Entitlement Statement

Provider Access Policy Statement

Employer Engagement Strategy

Work Experience Policy