In June 2020, the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch-up on missed learning caused by COVID19.

We welcome the additional funding as it will enable us to provide additional support for our students that have been most affected by the implications of COVID19.


Number of students 187
Total amount of spend £37,440
Break down of spend Teaching Assistant 1

Teaching Assistant 2

Literacy & Numeracy training





Summary of spend
Employment of two teaching assistants to provide appropriate support to maintain safe, staffing levels due to COVID related absences and to support with target support and wider strategies.

We will implement a three-tiered approach throughout the academic year:



·      Teaching staff will engage in external numeracy and literacy CPD training to develop strategies to support students with gaps identified in learning.


Targeted support:

·      Small group intervention will be implemented to target Y11 and Y14s that will be certificating at the end of this academic year.

·      Small group reading intervention will be implemented across KS3 to support continued development of reading skills.

·      Increase the number of Thrive sessions to provide wider support for a larger number of students’ due to the impact of COVID.


Wider strategies:

·      Middle leaders to work collaboratively to adapt the current student profiles and CASS plans, to implement strategies to support students’ mental health and wellbeing.


Impact of spend


Pathway Cohort Size Reading Writing Spoken Language Number Geometry Statistics/Probability
Red 50 100% 93% 93% 92% 90% 98%
Yellow and Blue 42 95%

Percentage of students that met end of year targets


Attainment Y11:

Cohort Size English Maths ICT Science
Red 14 3 21% 12 85.71 0 0% 10 71.4%
Yellow and Blue 10 All students will be certified in Y12

Percentage of students that achieved a qualification


Attainment Y14:

Cohort Size English Maths Employability Life Skills
Red 7 7 100% 7 100% 7 100% 1* 14%

* 1 student following Steps programme offsite


Cohort Size ASDAN Personal Progress Certificate E1 Level 1 Award in Food Safety
Blue 2 2 100% 2 100%


Cohort Size ASDAN Personal Progress Certificate E1
Yellow 4 3 75%

Percentage of students that achieved a qualification



Targeted support for student’s mental health and well-being:

Some students on return to school displayed anxieties and were disengaged and unmotivated. To reengage these learners ‘reconnection’ was paramount which was identified in our recovery curriculum.  Due to increased human resource we were able to carry out further individual Thrive assessments and offer further Thrive 1:1 sessions for those most disengaged.  Being able to reconnect through the support of a trusted person resulted in these students attending school full time and successfully reengaging back into the classroom and achieving their personal outcomes.


All teachers have adopted the new CASS plans and student profiles this year based on the zones of regulation framework.  These have positively impacted on how staff identify individual strategies to support readiness to learn.

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